Come and sing Will Todd's MASS IN BLUE!
The Barnby Choir Singing Day is an annual event to which we invite all interested singers from across the region to sing through and perform with us a less familiar piece of choral music under the guidance of a guest conductor. For some years now we have had the privilege of welcoming the ebullient and talented Keith Orrell, Musical Director of the William Byrd Singers and the Liverpool Welsh Choral Union, to lead our Singing Day, and Keith has ably taken us through a wide variety of works, such as George Dyson’s The Canterbury Pilgrims, Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Rachmaninov’s Vespers and Exsultet, one of Keith’s own compositions, to name just a few. The day is always immensely enjoyable and includes refreshments and a book-stall to enjoy in the breaks.
Our next Singing Day will be held on Saturday 15 October 2022 at Wilmslow Methodist Church and will feature Will Todd’s Mass in Blue – a dynamic, uplifting, and highly popular jazz setting of the Latin mass. We are delighted that the day will be led once again by Keith Orrell.
A leaflet giving full information and instructions on how to book is available to download here and a booking form here. We look forward to receiving your booking!